Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does Curiostiy Really Kill the Cat?

I started this blogging thing because I know I like to write, and writing has been a great aspect of my life. Plus, I guess this gives me a bit of a place to vent and maybe talk about some funny, interesting, or my opinions and ideals on things. Who knows this could become fun and almost interesting. So, to the title of this blog. Is it true? We as people become curious about everything in our lives that is presented before us. Of course, some more then others. Even then - is it eventually the end of us?

I don't think so. I think that curiosity is how we learn and how we see things. Without curiosity we would all be left doing the same things in and out of our lives. None of us would get the chance to experience new things or to meet new people. Good portions of our lives have been defined by the pure curiosity of us as people. That is how when we were babies we learned how to crawl and to walk. It is not just simply a thing that every child goes through in my mind. In reality, to me, it is that experience of realizing that people around us are moving and walking around. We want that, so we get curious enough to try to roll, crawl, stand, and walk.

Without curiosity I would have never tried my hand at painting, even if it is only those extravagant paint by number ones. I was curious if I could do it. I never had a hand for art, but I figured, "Hey, they have numbers! I can do that," and I could.

Curiosity is what drives us to meet new people. Sure, there may be that "attraction" when it comes to matters of the opposite sex, but there is that curiosity that drives us to want to know more. We urge to learn and see if there is that right person in the person that we were originally attracted and curious of. The curiosity of meeting and wanting to know a person is like being a child when Christmas or a Birthday is coming and your parents' closet is locked. You that something is inside of that closet, but you have that urge to break in and just learn everything.

It is even what drives us to meet some of our friends. I worked with one of my friends for a whole semester before I really got to know her. She was a quack, in a good way, and I love her all the more for it. She is a hyper, sometimes very one way focused, and the sweetest person I have ever met. I really never would have approached her and gotten to know her if it had not been the sheer curiosity for the quietness of this person that I had worked with for so long. Sure, there was also the push that we would be the only two left the next coming semester. I could have not tried though, but I wanted to learn about the person behind this short, giddy, and quiet woman. I am happy I did because I have gained a great friend from it.

All-in-all, I don't think curiosity is a bad thing all the time. It brings us the people we love and care about in our lives. It helps us grow to be what is expected and what isn't always expected of us. Sure, curiosity has it downfalls, but I know I wouldn't have changed most my experiences with it. So, I am not a cat, but I do not think that the cat must always die from the hand of curiosity.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Yes, I am a dork for trying to figure out how to do this. 1...2....3...