Sunday, November 14, 2010

"That Girl"

You know, I have spent my whole life being the person who is always there to listen, and is always the person to give advice and to help her friends in times of trouble. I basically feel like doing that has gotten me to become a walking doormat. One of my friends was talking to me and he said that I was, "That girl he knew he could always count on. He was glad to see I had become that girl again." We will call this friend, James, just for the sake of the argument. I apparently hadn't been "that girl" a few nights before because I got pissed that our phone conversation started with me saying I had a shitty week, and then James continued to say, "Yeah, me too," and then tell me everything that was wrong in his life. Anyways, so he said "that girl," and I got really upset. I then asked, "Who is that girl? What is she to you? Really, who am I?" He got pissed, told me nevermind, and he hung up. He got upset because he thinks and precieves me as this great person who does everything for everyone else with no respect or need in return.

Another friend, Jake, so we'll say, told me, when I went into a rant about why I was down and how I felt like shit that I was basically taking for granted my life, and that I was stupid because everything that I was going through wasn't anything. Maybe, to him, it was nothing, but it was a really big deal to me. It is over and over again with many of my friend, coincidentally all male, that this bull shit keeps happening with. I can care all I want, but in the end it is never enough for my "friends" to listen and give a shit back. Only they matter, and I am a mess that can just be piled on the side of the road for all that they care.

Maybe I am just tired of being that person who is the doormat to a revolving door. There is only so much I can give of myself to people and not get anything in return. I'm loosing friends over it, and it is bullshit, but it is life. Nothing can be done to stop it. Maybe becoming this person who is a bit colder will show me who really cares and has time to "waste" on caring about me back.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bubble Wrap

So, I was talking to one of my male friends very late one night. He was drunk, and possibly a big high, when we got onto this topic. I don't remember how it came up, and I don't know what we had been actually discussing when it did come up. Anyways, he said, "Women are fragile. They need bubble wrap." He was insinuating that men were the "bubble wrap" to women to help protect them from this world. I thought a long time about this, and I can really see if from a few different views. I think that it was kind of important to touch on.

At first, I thought my friend, we'll call him Jacob for the case of this blog, was just being a masochistic pig. Then I really started to think about what he said. There are still women out there that are waiting for Mr. Right to come and sweep them up from the ground, save them (like the damsel in distress), and want him to be the protector. Maybe it is our primal needs in some aspect because we realize that we are slightly "fragile" (another of his words when we were on this topic). I do not think that women see themselves as fragile, but I think they like the idea that their significant other would protect them if for some reason they were not able to care for themselves.

What about women who don't like men? Do lesbians want that same trait in their female counterparts? Do those women still search for the protection and "bubble wrap" from their partner? It raises questions that I, by no means, know the answer nor can predict the answers to. I don't know how those women feel and want, but I can imagine that it is much like any other person that it is specific to who they are.

Also, there are very self-dependent and very independent women. They are strong as they are. I am also not in this group, but these women are generally strong and full of their own will. They are used to doing everything by themselves for themselves. Would they want a protective bubble wrap to suddenly enclose on them and become over bearing and suffocating? I don't think so. I think that they would feel like they needed to protect themselves because not only would they have a hard time to let someone else protect them, but they would find themselves strong enough to do it on their own. Once again, I don't know, but these are my thoughts.

And what about women who are like me? Those that let the primal instinct out, and they want to feel the comfort of the protection from their counter part? Are those women "silly," "foolish," and taking the feminism movement back five steps from where it has gotten? I like to think not. I like to think that liking and feeling comfort from that trait in your significant other is a good thing. It is part of what make a pair a couple. You play against the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and the other person to make each other stronger. I don't think that looking for that trait hurts the feminism movement because it isn't wishing I had less rights, it is just hoping that I can find someone who I am comfortable enough to be around.

All-in-all, I don't think that every woman wants the "bubble wrap," but I do think that it is something that every man should see if his counter part is looking for it, and if he has that trait. I also think that every woman should know and feel around to see if she feels like she needs that extra protection in the world, or if she doesn't want it at all. Could a person who has it and a person who doesn't want it work out? Maybe, but I am no relationship expert to know. I guess it is just something that I really needed to look at and into myself to find my own answers about, and I think that others should think about it as well.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Early Morning Rambles

I often wonder who I am,and what has made me to be what I am. The answers to that come in the general variety such as, "You are you," and, "Every instance of your life has made you that way," and I will say that I agree with those. In theory of my mind we each have a zillion selves that we could have turned into. It is the matter that we made the choice to do this instead of that which changed us, or that we turned left instead of right at the corner. I have come to believe that each choice and each moment of our lives turns us into something different then having done the opposite in that moment and time would make us to be. I don't know if there is some scientific name for the idea, but in my mind it is the closest thing to truth that I can think of because in my mind I know that if I had done some things differently that different doors would have opened and I would be different. I would have had to make some different choices and maybe even have different demons that haunt me.

I realize that I am not free from faults, and I realize things I could have done to change that, but in the end... I am not sure that changing those things back then would have made me a better person then I am today. I don't know that for sure, but how can I say that making different choices would change who I am for the better instead of the worst? I can't and no one ever really can. It is an amazing concept in my head. Who is to say that if I took the SATs that I would have gotten high enough of a score to apply for a larger college? How can I know that if I had taken the offer to join the military after scoring high on my ASVAB, that I would still be going out to be an English Major in the end? For tonight, though, I have heard enough about my faults that I don't care to focus on them or the possibilities of the other personalities I could be. I want to focus a bit on who I am.

Who am I? I am the girl that sits at the front row of the class in the middle. I am that girl that most people look over or ignore because I may come off as a brown noser. Add to that the fact that I am a very shy person who will, generally, not approach you to make conversation due to a poor self-esteem, and you are left with a person who becomes a slight loner within the social circles and areas pertaining to friends. What makes everything come off this way? I do, and some misunderstandings on the observers' part do. I am not the brown noser you think I am. I am that girl that has a passion for teaching so much that she wants to understand what it feels like to be that professor up there talking before us. Which also explains why I sit where I do. It is not because I want to be buddy buddy with the professor - it is because I realize that I can see better there. I won't be distracted by that guy on the third row staring down the shirt of the voluptuous blond next to him or that girl in the back who's pen keeps wiggling back and forth while she moves it between her fingers. I'm not there for that. I'm there to learn, so I don't need the distractions. I don't approach you because I'm scared and somewhere inside me is still that thirteen year old girl that wants you to like me.

Now, we may never talk, and we may never meet. Even with that in mind, I am still the best friend you probably have within the classroom. I am that girl who will give anyone, like them or not, and know them or not, the very shirt off my back to help them if they are in need. I am in general that one person who will still be there in the very end. It doesn't matter if you slept with my boyfriend, and it doesn't make a difference if we have never spoke. I am still that girl who lay down her life in order to make at least one other person happy in this life. Though this is something you may never see because I keep to myself. Even then, I am the girl that realizes she may not measure up to most people's standards of beautiful. I have a few extra pounds, but tat doesn't mean that I am any less able to care. So,those things you say, even if they are behind my back, remember that I have ears, I can hear, and it does hurt.

Sure, I have my bad traits too. I trust too easily, I have a low self-esteem, I'm shy, and I get aggravated when you attack at me. All-in-all though, I am still that person who isn't always what you at first think she is. You may never realize it, but that's the beauty of this life. Each of our pasts and choices make us what we are, and from there we are left to continue to grow and interact. Without that we would be stones that sit there all day or we would all be fighting all the time. So, our lives and our choices help mold us to meet people who can help and hurt us. It is all coming down to a vicious cycle, and in the end....none of it matters. We live to die.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Arms vs. Shirts (7/25/2010)*

I think that during the time span of Mid-May that I was able to have some amazing conversations, and through the honestly of the situation I found out a lot not only about myself but about my friends too. To give a little background, without all the details, Brad**, was dealing with a few female issues. He was in love with a girl for six years who wasn't sure what she wanted during that time span. He seemed to be vaguely blind to the fact, so he's said something about her always keeping her an arm's length away.

It made me really think before replying to him, but I wanted this nice guy to realize that she wasn't interested. After a bit I replied to his text with, "You said she was keeping you an arm's length away. The fact that she is pushing you away instead of grabbing your shirt and pulling you closer seems to be a sign she doesn't want a romantic relationship with you. She's keeping that distance for a reason." Men, for as good as they claim to be, at getting hints in all actuality seem to be terrible at picking up the biggest of hints.

When a woman leads you on for weeks, months, or even possibly years.. something is off. In the specific case above it was just timing, but generally there are bigger issues that are there. Women, in my opinion, are generally very silly creatures that don't truly want to hurt someone that they are close with in ANY way. So, when there is a guy who is friends with a girl that holds them that "arms length away" it is generally to not play hard to get. It is the way to tell the friend that there is no more then a friendship there. There are always exceptions, but those are far and few between.

All-in-all, women are simple creatures. If they want a male friend to be more than a friend, then the arm's length distance will disappear. My way of seeing things is to grip their shirt and pull them closer. It may not in reality be so pronounced, as some people are more shy then others. Any woman who really wants a friend as more won't play hard to get for too long.

If it is through about simply, then this metaphor really shouldn't be too hard to understand. Men's idea is that the arm's length is just "playing hard to get," but what needs to be clear is such: playing hard to get lasts minutes, hours, or maybe a day or two. If it has been any longer than a week (MAYBE two), then she is sending you a very different signal to try and prevent hurting you. Don't hold on too tightly to the friend that is holding you at a distance.

* Note: Date written.
** Name change

Impatience (7/25/2010)*

So, patience is a virtue, and it has never been a virtue that I have not had much practice in. Though a conversation that I have with one of my newer friends, Brad**, in Mid-May, I said something that really stood out in my mind. We had been talking about the fact that we both were very impatient people - specially in the ways of relationships and being single. The wittiest and most true thing I have ever told him came out, "I guess the way that I view impatience is that you can't really be impatient without already knowing exactly what you want." I didn't at that time realize how smart what I said was. People in this world are all about fast paced and perfect. In Brad and my case we had been discussing relationships, but it was a theory that I realized I can apply to all aspects of my life.

I am frustrated with school and how long it has been taking me and how long I have left. I am impatient with school because I know what my eventual goal is. I want to teach at a college, and I am ready to just be there. So, I am trying to rush things and get it all done as quickly as possible to reach that goal. Instead of enjoying my life I realize exactly what I want, and I reach for it.

Even in relationships, the original topic from the comment, I am the same way. I'm not the only one though. Brad is kinda my proof of that. He want his "Pam" (enter The Office jokes here) and his "Jenny" (Forest Gump). He was impatient because he saw exactly what he wanted and knew exactly who she was. In the end, his impatience has paid off. They are happy, and nothing in my life has been able to make me happier then seeing two friends happy. I see what I want in the guys I date, and I despise knowing exactly what I want in the relationships... my impatience is just going to have to continue to grow. It'll come eventually, right?

I'm not saying impatience is a good thing, but in theory it seems to prove that you know what you want. Looking at life, impatience is this huge indicator that you know the direction you want your mind and life to go in. Sure, we have to wait it out to reach those goals, but who would we be without a little bit of a wait? We wouldn't know how great it was to have what we'd wanted if we didn't wait. So, the next time you realize that you are impatient with anything going on in your life. Take a minute to wonder why you are so impatient.

Maybe my theory is just a spoof. That is why it is a theory. Maybe it is just how I see things, but I would make a bet that it is because there is a specific goal or outcome that you expect or want from the situation. In the end, that is good cause from impatience we also usually have to have a deal of patience to reach those goals and relationships. Why let life go any way but exactly how you want it to? Your life is yours, and all those things that you are impatient for... reach out and go after them.

*Note: This was the date that this blog was written.
**Note: Name has been changed.

Extra Baggage (7/25/2010)*

I love my cousin, and in most thing in my life she has been the rock that I rely on. What I say may hurt her a little bit if she reads this, but I do think she will understand. With my recent move to Michigan she has once again helped me by making me as comfortable as possible with her friends that have become very good friends also to me. I adore her, and I adore the friends that have come from such actions. It is just sometimes I feel like extra baggage that was invited on a technicality. I know that I am probably over reacting, but it is just the fact that I don't want them to feel like that towards me.

If they do not want me there, then I don't want them to feel like they are obligated to invite me. I am grown-up and mature enough to accept that they are her friends first. There is a reason that they became friends. Now, my cousin and I are related, but we are very different people. That is not an insult either because we have seen different things in this world to form the amazing people we both are. I just hope that with these new friends that I have met that it isn't that they stay friends with me just because of my cousin. I want to be liked and invited to these group events because of me and not an obligation.

Maybe I am just being overly insecure, and I do realize that is a possibility. I just hope that once my cousin leaves for school that I do not loose the only life lines in the friend area that I have in Michigan. Time will tell. I know that even if it is just that I am extra baggage, and all these people desert me... I will be okay. I'm a strong person, right? Plus, I could be totally wrong. I jsut don't put much faith in any possibilities anymore.

*Note: This was written on such date on paper with a pen. I am trying to do that first for my own personal reasons lately.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yes, I know that the title isn't technically a word, and I do not really care. The quote that is on the design layout that I currently have really got me to thinking. Yes, everyone can write about anything if they just grow a pair to do it, but does that mean that it is readable and interesting enough to want to read? All in all, I am not sure of the answer. This is just one of the many thoughts that are going through my mind right now. So, here's your outline:

~ Beds are always too big with only one person in them.

Okay, bed's are always too big. Period. It does not matter if it is a twin sized bed. If you are in it alone, then it is always too big. Beds were made for sleeping and cuddling and all that other stuff that I won't go into on here. Anyways, after this weekend getting to be cuddled up in a full (maybe a queen) sized bed this past weekend when we went out. It was so not fun to come home to my twin at home. It has nothing to do with the size because it is big enough for me (it always has been). I just have realized that it is so lonely and cold in my bed. I don't know how to fix it, but I know that it makes me realize a lot. I don't want to be alone forever, and I don't want to wake up when I am thirty and still be sleeping in a bed by myself. I've always wanted to get serious with someone and then after school settle down. Right doesn't seem to be too happy looking. I am sure it will come, but I hate to be patient and I am very very impatient. I'm scared that I am going to be alone my whole life, and I am trying to not let that rule in my decisions. I know it has though, so I am working out on stopping that. This weekend helped a lot.

Eh, I'm going with short today. I just can't keep my mind on task.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does Curiostiy Really Kill the Cat?

I started this blogging thing because I know I like to write, and writing has been a great aspect of my life. Plus, I guess this gives me a bit of a place to vent and maybe talk about some funny, interesting, or my opinions and ideals on things. Who knows this could become fun and almost interesting. So, to the title of this blog. Is it true? We as people become curious about everything in our lives that is presented before us. Of course, some more then others. Even then - is it eventually the end of us?

I don't think so. I think that curiosity is how we learn and how we see things. Without curiosity we would all be left doing the same things in and out of our lives. None of us would get the chance to experience new things or to meet new people. Good portions of our lives have been defined by the pure curiosity of us as people. That is how when we were babies we learned how to crawl and to walk. It is not just simply a thing that every child goes through in my mind. In reality, to me, it is that experience of realizing that people around us are moving and walking around. We want that, so we get curious enough to try to roll, crawl, stand, and walk.

Without curiosity I would have never tried my hand at painting, even if it is only those extravagant paint by number ones. I was curious if I could do it. I never had a hand for art, but I figured, "Hey, they have numbers! I can do that," and I could.

Curiosity is what drives us to meet new people. Sure, there may be that "attraction" when it comes to matters of the opposite sex, but there is that curiosity that drives us to want to know more. We urge to learn and see if there is that right person in the person that we were originally attracted and curious of. The curiosity of meeting and wanting to know a person is like being a child when Christmas or a Birthday is coming and your parents' closet is locked. You that something is inside of that closet, but you have that urge to break in and just learn everything.

It is even what drives us to meet some of our friends. I worked with one of my friends for a whole semester before I really got to know her. She was a quack, in a good way, and I love her all the more for it. She is a hyper, sometimes very one way focused, and the sweetest person I have ever met. I really never would have approached her and gotten to know her if it had not been the sheer curiosity for the quietness of this person that I had worked with for so long. Sure, there was also the push that we would be the only two left the next coming semester. I could have not tried though, but I wanted to learn about the person behind this short, giddy, and quiet woman. I am happy I did because I have gained a great friend from it.

All-in-all, I don't think curiosity is a bad thing all the time. It brings us the people we love and care about in our lives. It helps us grow to be what is expected and what isn't always expected of us. Sure, curiosity has it downfalls, but I know I wouldn't have changed most my experiences with it. So, I am not a cat, but I do not think that the cat must always die from the hand of curiosity.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Yes, I am a dork for trying to figure out how to do this. 1...2....3...