Yes, I know that the title isn't technically a word, and I do not really care. The quote that is on the design layout that I currently have really got me to thinking. Yes, everyone can write about anything if they just grow a pair to do it, but does that mean that it is readable and interesting enough to want to read? All in all, I am not sure of the answer. This is just one of the many thoughts that are going through my mind right now. So, here's your outline:
~ Beds are always too big with only one person in them.
Okay, bed's are always too big. Period. It does not matter if it is a twin sized bed. If you are in it alone, then it is always too big. Beds were made for sleeping and cuddling and all that other stuff that I won't go into on here. Anyways, after this weekend getting to be cuddled up in a full (maybe a queen) sized bed this past weekend when we went out. It was so not fun to come home to my twin at home. It has nothing to do with the size because it is big enough for me (it always has been). I just have realized that it is so lonely and cold in my bed. I don't know how to fix it, but I know that it makes me realize a lot. I don't want to be alone forever, and I don't want to wake up when I am thirty and still be sleeping in a bed by myself. I've always wanted to get serious with someone and then after school settle down. Right doesn't seem to be too happy looking. I am sure it will come, but I hate to be patient and I am very very impatient. I'm scared that I am going to be alone my whole life, and I am trying to not let that rule in my decisions. I know it has though, so I am working out on stopping that. This weekend helped a lot.
Eh, I'm going with short today. I just can't keep my mind on task.